After the theoretical training, an agribusiness incubation timeline has been established for core enterprise operations. The aspiring agripreneurs develop core pilot enterprises where they acquire in-house experience. Each incubation consists of 3 core enterprises: modern farming, commodity marketing, and value-added processing. During this period, all interns are gaining experience within these.
Apart from having in-house experience as agripreneurs in the core pilot enterprises they are developing, each trainee also carries out internships in a successful agribusiness related to the domain of his future agribusiness. More importantly, an accent in put in Business Development, as the budding agripreneurs are mainly expected to develop bankable business plans which will be funded by partner financial institutions. It is worth mentioning that each incubation includes an outreach component to the surrounding farming communities, especially the youth.
Although the YABICs are in public and private institutions, it should be noted that they operate independently, according to tripartite win-win agreements between IITA, AVC_DP and the host institutions. Each of the incubation center is headed by a YABIC Coordinator recruited by IITA and the AVC_DP and reporting to ENABLE Youth Cameroon.